We are pleased to have sown 6 more “seeds” of TRE Facilitators in Vietnam. 6 people come from 3 regions of Vietnam, including Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. By the end of November, all 6 brothers and sisters have completed 2 10-day learning modules, including all the basic knowledge and skills to be able to start practicing TRE for their local communities. In Module 2, all of them had the opportunity to experience TRE guidance for many different groups in the community, including employees & managers of luxury hotels; vulnerable groups such as the visually impaired, the physically disabled and children. These are useful experiences that help them gain practical experience in guiding TRE for different groups in the community, including people with disabilities. This year, we are pleased to have the enthusiastic participation and support of our colleagues coming from the TRE Japan group. This is also an opportunity for us to share and learn from each other in the TRE community in the Asia region. In particular, we are very grateful for the continuous technical support of 2 amazing international TRE trainers, Ms. Sae Kani and Joan McDonald, during the training process of the Community TRE Facilitators for Vietnam Community TRE Program. We are super grateful for Dr David Berceli, TRE Founder, for his creation of TRE as a self-help tool for community. We would like to thank you to all participants who have patiently spent time studying and practicing to become TRE Community Facilitators. See you all in our TRE program in 2025!